Unsupported Browser: we have detected that the browser you are using is
not able to view some of the more advanced elements of our website, and may prevent
you from completing certain critical processes.
We are committed to ensuring that fransupport.com
works with the preferred technologies of the vast majority of our customers. In
order to meet this goal, we track which browsers our customers use, and how these
changes over time. Please be sure you use supported Internet browser.
Supported Browser:
Internet Explorer 6 and above (windows 98 and higher)
Screen Resolution: 1024 by 768 pixels
Javascript: enabled
Cookies: enabled
You may experience security warning on certain pages (see image). Please click on the
"Install" button to download required component. This component is necessary for
quality printing on web.
Browser Upgrades:
To upgrade your browser, click the link below then follow the
instructions to install the software:
Microsoft Internet Explorer